Testimonials from clients of AWS-Affordable Website Solutions. AWS offer our clients the most cost effective way to get a business website. To pause, mouse over testimonial.

AWS built my first web site in 2009 I have noticed increased sales and bookings from customers through the Internet. The team at AWS are thorough, committed and extremely professional, I sincerely recommend their stylish and creative service.

Affordable Website Solutions have been our web design team since starting Peli Ireland business in 2008. Website www.peli.ie was designed to my exact specifications and worked closely with the design team who gave exactly as I had asked for. I use AWS services including updating of website & partner services such as domain name registration and hosting of website and find AWS prompt and professional in their approach to my business’s online presence

AWS Web Development are our sole website one stop business. We have been a customer of AWS for over five years now. I did a lot of checking – prices, references, reviews of past work – before choosing AWS to design, manage and maintain our four websites. I can
honestly say that they are very efficient, very cost effective and good value for money and provide excellent back-up service with regard to SEO, Spam, Hackers, updates to the sites and all round general
enquiries. The team at AWS are extremely committed, efficient and very professional. I am very happy to rely on AWS to maintain our sites well in order that our businesses continue to thrive.